Tuesday, May 26, 2009

soccer, soccer, soccer!

Last night was soccer madness. Every Monday, for 1-2 hours, My hubby and I divide ourselves as evenly as we can between three soccer fields. Luckily they are all in the same park, and on rare occasions, two of our teams will play across from each other. We even have one game where they play in the same field! Won't that be fun? Cheering for both sides? We'll pray for a tie game! We had a great night. It wasn't too cold or windy and the rain was just a threat on the horizon. At one point I overheard Peter telling his coach "I think I'm the best player on the team" to which his coach replied "Oh, well I think everyone is pretty good" and Peter says "no, I think I'm the best", and then he goes for another watermelon. I guess we need to work on humility! As for the other two, Alex scored the first goal for his team, and Levi actually kicked the ball this week! I think we were the most proud of that! Harlee spent the evening stalking people's dogs. She likes to get close enough to look, but see her run when the dog looks back!

In other news, I have officially given Termination Notice to the two kids I babysit. I will be free in one month to enjoy my kids and my summer, and we'll see what the fall brings us. I am very excited.

Trevor is still slow at work, so I am having him take care of my "honey-do" list. Today I am getting my main flour bathroom tiled. Who in there right mind installs laminate flooring in a bathroom frequented by little boys? Me, that's who. I have seen the error of my ways, and I will have said error corrected soon!

Now I am off to clean and clean an oh, yeah, clean. What a great day this is going to be!


  1. ahhhh...another post from Heather. I love it!

  2. You're too kind. I think you are also my only reader! Thanks! Btw, You need to show me how to get this thing set up. You, know, so I can see how many people are here, and all that jazz. Thanks for reading!

