Monday, November 16, 2009

Drywall is up...

It's not much to look at right now, but it's all up and taped and the ceiling is stippled. 

kinda messy here...A sign of the future maybe? 

The siding is almost complete now.  These pictures are old.

Not much else to see.  We are looking at Feb. 8/10 possession.  That's very good news.  The baby isn't due till the end of the month and will probably come in March, so we will have a few weeks to get settled before we have another little one to love.  The house is for sale.  We've had 8 people through in the first week.  No offers yet but we hope we sell quickly.  I don't even care if I have to go rent for a month.  I just want to know for sure that it's sold.  So wish us luck in keeping the house clean and tidy and nice smelling!  

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